Gid’s plan for you is to reach your expected end and your portion is to continue to plug your spiritual cable in him
Jer 29:11-13
Sickness is a foreigner to the body and is subject to live the body if you can know what to do.
God loves you and he expect you to love others as he loves you.
This is the greatest commandment.
The Lord is my Shepherd
General protection and guideance comes only from God. Find out how.
The first step to God’s inexaustabe treasures.
Your reward to obedience and patience towards your commitment to God.
The perfection of the law and the excellence of discipleship.
Whole Some Tongue
How to use your tongue for a successful living.
Your tongue brings you success or failure.
Broadcast contd
All these teaching tapes and many more CD.DVD and teaching materials can be sent to you on request if you order for it.
Revelation pt 1+2 How to know whom you are. Why you are created. Your hope to live a successful life and more.
The Kingdom Of God
How to live in God’s Kingdom discover what is God’s Kingdom.
This is the day
What day is it? What can we find in this day.
Prodigal son
Who is he? Why prodigal. The lesson to learn.
The battle not yours
Find out how the Almighty God fights for us what is my position How do I win my battles.
Word pt 1+2
The word of God so powerful. How to use it, and who is qualified to use the word of God.